News from the moon


"Lichdom: Battlemage" approved for PS4 and Xbox One.

"Alekhine's Gun" PS4 and Xbox One released on stores.

BIGMOON ENTERTAINMENT announced "Demons Age" BackStory video.

BIGMOON ENTERTAINMENT and CAMEL101 annouced "Syndrome".

BIGMOON ENTERTAINMENT announced "Demons Age".

Bigmoon Entertainment announce Lichdom: Battlemage
Bigmoon Entertainment finished the development of the Xaviant's game for PlayStation4 and Xbox One. The game will be released by Maximum Games on 19 April 2016.

Bigmoon Entertainment announce Alekhine's Gun
Bigmoon Entertainment has announced the release of "Alekhine's Gun" on stores by Maximum Games. Bigmoon was responsible for developing PlayStation4 and Xbox One versions.

Bigmoon Entertainment announce Demons Age
Bigmoon Entertainment has announced Demons Age, which is a turn-based RPG coming to the Xbox One, PS4, and PC during Q1 of 2016.

Bigmoon Entertainment and Camel101 announce Syndrome
Camel101 and Bigmoon Entertainment have just announced Syndrome, a back-to-basics scifi survival horror game that looks heavily influenced by Alien, Event Horizon and Pandorum